Thursday, April 21, 2011

Cintiq alternative (part 2)

Due to the overpriced monopoly of Wacom on the tablets market I decided to take a leap of faith and buy an alternative brand to Cintiq. It's called P-Active, I've been having that for less than two weeks and it's time to share a quick review. These are the pros and cons I've found so far:

- less than half the price of the Cintiq eqivalent (19' Vs 21' though)
- no back order (it took me less than 2 weeks to have it delivered from US to Canada, and in the US it's free shipping)
- the screen quality is really good. Sharp crisp and very bright (of course can be toned down)

- Jittering and offsets close to the edges
- a very narrow angle of view. You pretty much have to look directly straight on the LCD
- when working with multiple monitors you get an offsets when you move to the second screen (wich is really quick to fix though, all it takes is a click once the mouse and the pen are on the same screen)

Verdict? I'm super satisfied with the purchase!

If you're interested this is where you can check it out:

This is what I've done wit it in a couple of days of spare time, my first official fully digital illustrations!
